Simplify your strategic communication
Uhub digitizes the entire communication process - from strategic planning to operational execution and analysis.
Effective and efficient communication for organizations is used by organisations such as:

What sets uhub apart from other tools is the ability to connect strategic and operational activities. With uhub, we are able to easily control our communication. The digital representation of the process also helps us to illustrate strategic connections in communication and convey them within our organization.
Patrick Eisenhut
Head of Communication and Marketing

Communications managers are more challenged than ever. The digital transformation is putting everything to the test. New target groups want to be addressed through new channels, and the complexity is increasing dramatically. Therefore, digitizing and simplifying communication processes is the order of the day: uhub's approach is pioneering.
Markus Niederhäuser
Head of Continuing Education, IAM Institute for Applied Media Studies
Product Unique Selling Proposition
Connects Strategy and Content
With uhub, the communication strategy is translated into integrated communication activities: target group-specific, cross-channel and cross-team - thus connecting the strategic with the operational level.
Integrated with everything you need.
Content management becomes child's play
Customer feedbacks
Why ÖKK has been relying on uhub since the beginning
ÖKK is an insurance company based in Landquart with over 30 agencies throughout Switzerland. As a partner, they have been involved in the development of uhub from the very beginning.
Questions & Answers
Something unclear? Here you will find the most important questions and answers